HTML 定义的一个字母标签列表
标签 | 说明 |
a | 定义超链接 |
b | 定义粗体文本 |
i | 定义斜体文本 |
p | 定义段落 |
q | 定义简短的行内引用,区别于 <blockquote> 定义块引用 |
s | 定义删除线文本,是 <strike> 的缩写,但在 HTML 4.01 不赞成使用这两个标签,推荐使用 <del> 替代,目前浏览器仍然支持 |
u | 定义下划线文本,在 HTML 4.01 不赞成使用,目前浏览器仍然支持 |
HTML 定义的一个字母标签列表
标签 | 说明 |
a | 定义超链接 |
b | 定义粗体文本 |
i | 定义斜体文本 |
p | 定义段落 |
q | 定义简短的行内引用,区别于 <blockquote> 定义块引用 |
s | 定义删除线文本,是 <strike> 的缩写,但在 HTML 4.01 不赞成使用这两个标签,推荐使用 <del> 替代,目前浏览器仍然支持 |
u | 定义下划线文本,在 HTML 4.01 不赞成使用,目前浏览器仍然支持 |
Content-Type(Mime-Type) | 扩展名 | Content-Type(Mime-Type) | 扩展名 |
application/fractals | .fif | application/futuresplash | .spl |
application/hta | .hta | application/mac-binhex40 | .hqx |
application/msaccess | .mdb | application/msword | .wiz |
application/octet-stream | .* | application/pdf | |
application/pics-rules | .prf | application/pkcs10 | .p10 |
application/pkcs7-mime | .p7m | application/pkcs7-signature | .p7s |
application/pkix-crl | .crl | application/postscript | .ai |
application/rat-file | .rat | application/sdp | .sdp |
application/smil | .smil | application/streamingmedia | .ssm |
application/vnd.adobe.edn | .edn | application/vnd.adobe.pdx | .pdx |
application/vnd.adobe.rmf | .rmf | application/vnd.adobe.workflow | .awf |
application/vnd.adobe.xdp | .xdp | application/vnd.adobe.xfd | .xfd |
application/vnd.adobe.xfdf | .xfdf | application/ | .apk |
application/vnd.fdf | .fdf | application/vnd.iphone | .ipa |
application/ | .xls | application/ | .sst |
application/ | .pko | application/ | .cat |
application/ | .stl | application/ | .pwz |
application/ | .mpx | application/ | .wpl |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia | .rm | application/vnd.rn-realmedia-secure | .rms |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr | .rmvb | application/vnd.rn-realplayer | .rnx |
application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjs | .rjs | application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjt | .rjt |
application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmj | .rmj | application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmx | .rmx |
application/vnd.rn-recording | .rec | application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package | .rmp |
application/vnd.rn-rsml | .rsml | application/vnd.symbian.install | .sisx |
application/vnd.visio | .vtx | application/x-001 | .001 |
application/x-301 | .301 | application/x-906 | .906 |
application/x-a11 | .a11 | application/x-anv | .anv |
application/x-bittorrent | .torrent | application/x-bmp | .bmp |
application/x-bot | .bot | application/x-c4t | .c4t |
application/x-c90 | .c90 | application/x-cals | .cal |
application/x-cdr | .cdr | application/x-cel | .cel |
application/x-cgm | .cgm | application/x-cit | .cit |
application/x-cmp | .cmp | application/x-cmx | .cmx |
application/x-cot | .cot | application/x-csi | .csi |
application/x-cut | .cut | application/x-dbf | .dbf |
application/x-dbm | .dbm | application/x-dbx | .dbx |
application/x-dcx | .dcx | application/x-dgn | .dgn |
application/x-dib | .dib | application/x-drw | .drw |
application/x-dwf | .dwf | application/x-dwg | .dwg |
application/x-dxb | .dxb | application/x-dxf | .dxf |
application/x-ebx | .etd | application/x-emf | .emf |
application/x-epi | .epi | application/x-frm | .frm |
application/x-g4 | .ig4 | application/x-gbr | .gbr |
application/x-gl2 | .gl2 | application/x-gp4 | .gp4 |
application/x-hgl | .hgl | application/x-hmr | .hmr |
application/x-hpgl | .hpg | application/x-hpl | .hpl |
application/x-hrf | .hrf | application/x-icb | .icb |
application/x-icq | .uin | application/x-iff | .iff |
application/x-igs | .igs | application/x-img | .img |
application/x-internet-signup | .isp | application/x-iphone | .iii |
application/x-javascript | .mocha | application/x-laplayer-reg | .lar |
application/x-latex | .latex | application/x-lbm | .lbm |
application/x-ltr | .ltr | application/x-mac | .mac |
application/x-mi | .mi | application/x-mil | .mil |
application/x-mmxp | .mxp | application/x-ms-wmd | .wmd |
application/x-ms-wmz | .wmz | application/x-msdownload | .exe |
application/x-netcdf | .cdf | application/x-nrf | .nrf |
application/x-out | .out | application/x-pc5 | .pc5 |
application/x-pci | .pci | application/x-pcl | .pcl |
application/x-pcx | .pcx | application/x-perl | .pl |
application/x-pgl | .pgl | application/x-pic | .pic |
application/x-pkcs12 | .pfx | application/x-pkcs7-certificates | .spc |
application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | .p7r | application/x-plt | .plt |
application/x-ppm | .ppm | application/x-pr | .pr |
application/x-prn | .prn | application/x-prt | .prt |
application/x-ps | .ps | application/x-ptn | .ptn |
application/x-ras | .ras | application/x-red | .red |
application/x-rgb | .rgb | application/x-rlc | .rlc |
application/x-rle | .rle | application/x-sam | .sam |
application/x-sat | .sat | application/x-sdw | .sdw |
application/x-shockwave-flash | .swf | application/x-silverlight-app | .xap |
application/x-slb | .slb | application/x-sld | .sld |
application/x-smk | .smk | application/x-stuffit | .sit |
application/x-sty | .sty | application/x-tdf | .tdf |
application/x-tg4 | .tg4 | application/x-tga | .tga |
application/x-troff-man | .man | application/x-vda | .vda |
application/x-vpeg005 | .vpg | application/x-wb1 | .wb1 |
application/x-wb2 | .wb2 | application/x-wb3 | .wb3 |
application/x-wk3 | .wk3 | application/x-wk4 | .wk4 |
application/x-wkq | .wkq | application/x-wks | .wks |
application/x-wmf | .wmf | application/x-wp6 | .wp6 |
application/x-wpd | .wpd | application/x-wpg | .wpg |
application/x-wq1 | .wq1 | application/x-wr1 | .wr1 |
application/x-wri | .wri | application/x-wrk | .wrk |
application/x-ws | .ws2 | application/x-x509-ca-cert | .der |
application/x-x_b | .x_b | application/x-x_t | .x_t |
application/x-xlw | .xlw | application/x-xwd | .xwd |
audio/aiff | .aiff | audio/basic | .snd |
audio/mid | .rmi | audio/mp1 | .mp1 |
audio/mp2 | .mp2 | audio/mp3 | .mp3 |
audio/mpegurl | .m3u | audio/rn-mpeg | .mpga |
audio/scpls | .xpl | audio/vnd.rn-realaudio | .ra |
audio/wav | .wav | audio/x-la-lms | .lmsff |
audio/x-liquid-file | .la1 | audio/x-liquid-secure | .lavs |
audio/x-mei-aac | .acp | audio/x-ms-wax | .wax |
audio/x-ms-wma | .wma | audio/x-musicnet-download | .mnd |
audio/x-musicnet-stream | .mns | audio/x-pn-realaudio | .rmm |
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin | .rpm | drawing/907 | .907 |
drawing/x-slk | .slk | drawing/x-top | .top |
image/fax | .fax | image/gif | .gif |
image/jpeg | .jpg | image/pnetvue | .net |
image/png | .png | image/tiff | .tiff |
image/vnd.rn-realpix | .rp | image/vnd.wap.wbmp | .wbmp |
image/x-icon | .ico | java/* | .java |
java/class | .class | message/rfc822 | .nws |
text/asa | .asa | text/asp | .asp |
text/css | .css | text/h323 | .323 |
text/html | .xhtml | text/iuls | .uls |
text/plain | .txt | text/scriptlet | .wsc |
text/vnd.rn-realtext | .rt | text/vnd.rn-realtext3d | .r3t |
text/vnd.wap.wml | .wml | text/webviewhtml | .htt |
text/x-component | .htc | text/x-ms-odc | .odc |
text/x-vcard | .vcf | text/xml | .xslt |
video/avi | .avi | video/mpeg | .mpv2 |
video/mpeg4 | .mp4 | video/mpg | .mpv |
video/vnd.rn-realvideo | .rv | video/x-ivf | .IVF |
video/x-mpeg | .mps | video/x-mpg | .mpa |
video/x-ms-asf | .asx | video/x-ms-wm | .wm |
video/x-ms-wmv | .wmv | video/x-ms-wmx | .wmx |
video/x-ms-wvx | .wvx | video/x-sgi-movie | .movie |
$ar_type = array( '*' => 'application/octet-stream', '001' => 'application/x-001', '301' => 'application/x-301', '323' => 'text/h323', '906' => 'application/x-906', '907' => 'drawing/907', 'IVF' => 'video/x-ivf', 'a11' => 'application/x-a11', 'acp' => 'audio/x-mei-aac', 'ai' => 'application/postscript', 'aif' => 'audio/aiff', 'aifc' => 'audio/aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/aiff', 'anv' => 'application/x-anv', 'apk' => 'application/', 'asa' => 'text/asa', 'asf' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'asp' => 'text/asp', 'asx' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'au' => 'audio/basic', 'avi' => 'video/avi', 'awf' => 'application/vnd.adobe.workflow', 'biz' => 'text/xml', 'bmp' => 'application/x-bmp', 'bot' => 'application/x-bot', 'c4t' => 'application/x-c4t', 'c90' => 'application/x-c90', 'cal' => 'application/x-cals', 'cat' => 'application/', 'cdf' => 'application/x-netcdf', 'cdr' => 'application/x-cdr', 'cel' => 'application/x-cel', 'cer' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', 'cg4' => 'application/x-g4', 'cgm' => 'application/x-cgm', 'cit' => 'application/x-cit', 'class' => 'java/class', 'cml' => 'text/xml', 'cmp' => 'application/x-cmp', 'cmx' => 'application/x-cmx', 'cot' => 'application/x-cot', 'crl' => 'application/pkix-crl', 'crt' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', 'csi' => 'application/x-csi', 'css' => 'text/css', 'cut' => 'application/x-cut', 'dbf' => 'application/x-dbf', 'dbm' => 'application/x-dbm', 'dbx' => 'application/x-dbx', 'dcd' => 'text/xml', 'dcx' => 'application/x-dcx', 'der' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', 'dgn' => 'application/x-dgn', 'dib' => 'application/x-dib', 'dll' => 'application/x-msdownload', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'dot' => 'application/msword', 'drw' => 'application/x-drw', 'dtd' => 'text/xml', 'dwf' => 'application/x-dwf', 'dwg' => 'application/x-dwg', 'dxb' => 'application/x-dxb', 'dxf' => 'application/x-dxf', 'edn' => 'application/vnd.adobe.edn', 'emf' => 'application/x-emf', 'eml' => 'message/rfc822', 'ent' => 'text/xml', 'epi' => 'application/x-epi', 'eps' => 'application/x-ps', 'etd' => 'application/x-ebx', 'exe' => 'application/x-msdownload', 'fax' => 'image/fax', 'fdf' => 'application/vnd.fdf', 'fif' => 'application/fractals', 'fo' => 'text/xml', 'frm' => 'application/x-frm', 'g4' => 'application/x-g4', 'gbr' => 'application/x-gbr', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'gl2' => 'application/x-gl2', 'gp4' => 'application/x-gp4', 'hgl' => 'application/x-hgl', 'hmr' => 'application/x-hmr', 'hpg' => 'application/x-hpgl', 'hpl' => 'application/x-hpl', 'hqx' => 'application/mac-binhex40', 'hrf' => 'application/x-hrf', 'hta' => 'application/hta', 'htc' => 'text/x-component', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', 'htt' => 'text/webviewhtml', 'htx' => 'text/html', 'icb' => 'application/x-icb', 'ico' => 'image/x-icon', 'iff' => 'application/x-iff', 'ig4' => 'application/x-g4', 'igs' => 'application/x-igs', 'iii' => 'application/x-iphone', 'img' => 'application/x-img', 'ins' => 'application/x-internet-signup', 'ipa' => 'application/vnd.iphone', 'isp' => 'application/x-internet-signup', 'java' => 'java/*', 'jfif' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'js' => 'application/x-javascript', 'jsp' => 'text/html', 'la1' => 'audio/x-liquid-file', 'lar' => 'application/x-laplayer-reg', 'latex' => 'application/x-latex', 'lavs' => 'audio/x-liquid-secure', 'lbm' => 'application/x-lbm', 'lmsff' => 'audio/x-la-lms', 'ls' => 'application/x-javascript', 'ltr' => 'application/x-ltr', 'm1v' => 'video/x-mpeg', 'm2v' => 'video/x-mpeg', 'm3u' => 'audio/mpegurl', 'm4e' => 'video/mpeg4', 'mac' => 'application/x-mac', 'man' => 'application/x-troff-man', 'math' => 'text/xml', 'mdb' => 'application/msaccess', 'mfp' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'mht' => 'message/rfc822', 'mhtml' => 'message/rfc822', 'mi' => 'application/x-mi', 'mid' => 'audio/mid', 'midi' => 'audio/mid', 'mil' => 'application/x-mil', 'mml' => 'text/xml', 'mnd' => 'audio/x-musicnet-download', 'mns' => 'audio/x-musicnet-stream', 'mocha' => 'application/x-javascript', 'movie' => 'video/x-sgi-movie', 'mp1' => 'audio/mp1', 'mp2' => 'audio/mp2', 'mp2v' => 'video/mpeg', 'mp3' => 'audio/mp3', 'mp4' => 'video/mpeg4', 'mpa' => 'video/x-mpg', 'mpd' => 'application/', 'mpe' => 'video/x-mpeg', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpg', 'mpg' => 'video/mpg', 'mpga' => 'audio/rn-mpeg', 'mpp' => 'application/', 'mps' => 'video/x-mpeg', 'mpt' => 'application/', 'mpv' => 'video/mpg', 'mpv2' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpw' => 'application/', 'mpx' => 'application/', 'mtx' => 'text/xml', 'mxp' => 'application/x-mmxp', 'net' => 'image/pnetvue', 'nrf' => 'application/x-nrf', 'nws' => 'message/rfc822', 'odc' => 'text/x-ms-odc', 'out' => 'application/x-out', 'p10' => 'application/pkcs10', 'p12' => 'application/x-pkcs12', 'p7b' => 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates', 'p7c' => 'application/pkcs7-mime', 'p7m' => 'application/pkcs7-mime', 'p7r' => 'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp', 'p7s' => 'application/pkcs7-signature', 'pc5' => 'application/x-pc5', 'pci' => 'application/x-pci', 'pcl' => 'application/x-pcl', 'pcx' => 'application/x-pcx', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'pdx' => 'application/vnd.adobe.pdx', 'pfx' => 'application/x-pkcs12', 'pgl' => 'application/x-pgl', 'pic' => 'application/x-pic', 'pko' => 'application/', 'pl' => 'application/x-perl', 'plg' => 'text/html', 'pls' => 'audio/scpls', 'plt' => 'application/x-plt', 'png' => 'image/png', 'pot' => 'application/', 'ppa' => 'application/', 'ppm' => 'application/x-ppm', 'pps' => 'application/', 'ppt' => 'application/', 'pr' => 'application/x-pr', 'prf' => 'application/pics-rules', 'prn' => 'application/x-prn', 'prt' => 'application/x-prt', 'ps' => 'application/x-ps', 'ptn' => 'application/x-ptn', 'pwz' => 'application/', 'r3t' => 'text/vnd.rn-realtext3d', 'ra' => 'audio/vnd.rn-realaudio', 'ram' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'ras' => 'application/x-ras', 'rat' => 'application/rat-file', 'rdf' => 'text/xml', 'rec' => 'application/vnd.rn-recording', 'red' => 'application/x-red', 'rgb' => 'application/x-rgb', 'rjs' => 'application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjs', 'rjt' => 'application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjt', 'rlc' => 'application/x-rlc', 'rle' => 'application/x-rle', 'rm' => 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia', 'rmf' => 'application/vnd.adobe.rmf', 'rmi' => 'audio/mid', 'rmj' => 'application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmj', 'rmm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rmp' => 'application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package', 'rms' => 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia-secure', 'rmvb' => 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr', 'rmx' => 'application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmx', 'rnx' => 'application/vnd.rn-realplayer', 'rp' => 'image/vnd.rn-realpix', 'rpm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin', 'rsml' => 'application/vnd.rn-rsml', 'rt' => 'text/vnd.rn-realtext', 'rtf' => 'application/msword', 'rv' => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo', 'sam' => 'application/x-sam', 'sat' => 'application/x-sat', 'sdp' => 'application/sdp', 'sdw' => 'application/x-sdw', 'sis' => 'application/vnd.symbian.install', 'sisx' => 'application/vnd.symbian.install', 'sit' => 'application/x-stuffit', 'slb' => 'application/x-slb', 'sld' => 'application/x-sld', 'slk' => 'drawing/x-slk', 'smi' => 'application/smil', 'smil' => 'application/smil', 'smk' => 'application/x-smk', 'snd' => 'audio/basic', 'sol' => 'text/plain', 'sor' => 'text/plain', 'spc' => 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates', 'spl' => 'application/futuresplash', 'spp' => 'text/xml', 'ssm' => 'application/streamingmedia', 'sst' => 'application/', 'stl' => 'application/', 'stm' => 'text/html', 'sty' => 'application/x-sty', 'svg' => 'text/xml', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'tdf' => 'application/x-tdf', 'tg4' => 'application/x-tg4', 'tga' => 'application/x-tga', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'tld' => 'text/xml', 'top' => 'drawing/x-top', 'torrent' => 'application/x-bittorrent', 'tsd' => 'text/xml', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'uin' => 'application/x-icq', 'uls' => 'text/iuls', 'vcf' => 'text/x-vcard', 'vda' => 'application/x-vda', 'vdx' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'vml' => 'text/xml', 'vpg' => 'application/x-vpeg005', 'vsd' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'vss' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'vst' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'vsw' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'vsx' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'vtx' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'vxml' => 'text/xml', 'wav' => 'audio/wav', 'wax' => 'audio/x-ms-wax', 'wb1' => 'application/x-wb1', 'wb2' => 'application/x-wb2', 'wb3' => 'application/x-wb3', 'wbmp' => 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp', 'wiz' => 'application/msword', 'wk3' => 'application/x-wk3', 'wk4' => 'application/x-wk4', 'wkq' => 'application/x-wkq', 'wks' => 'application/x-wks', 'wm' => 'video/x-ms-wm', 'wma' => 'audio/x-ms-wma', 'wmd' => 'application/x-ms-wmd', 'wmf' => 'application/x-wmf', 'wml' => 'text/vnd.wap.wml', 'wmv' => 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'wmx' => 'video/x-ms-wmx', 'wmz' => 'application/x-ms-wmz', 'wp6' => 'application/x-wp6', 'wpd' => 'application/x-wpd', 'wpg' => 'application/x-wpg', 'wpl' => 'application/', 'wq1' => 'application/x-wq1', 'wr1' => 'application/x-wr1', 'wri' => 'application/x-wri', 'wrk' => 'application/x-wrk', 'ws' => 'application/x-ws', 'ws2' => 'application/x-ws', 'wsc' => 'text/scriptlet', 'wsdl' => 'text/xml', 'wvx' => 'video/x-ms-wvx', 'x_b' => 'application/x-x_b', 'x_t' => 'application/x-x_t', 'xap' => 'application/x-silverlight-app', 'xdp' => 'application/vnd.adobe.xdp', 'xdr' => 'text/xml', 'xfd' => 'application/vnd.adobe.xfd', 'xfdf' => 'application/vnd.adobe.xfdf', 'xhtml' => 'text/html', 'xls' => 'application/', 'xlw' => 'application/x-xlw', 'xml' => 'text/xml', 'xpl' => 'audio/scpls', 'xq' => 'text/xml', 'xql' => 'text/xml', 'xquery' => 'text/xml', 'xsd' => 'text/xml', 'xsl' => 'text/xml', 'xslt' => 'text/xml', 'xwd' => 'application/x-xwd', );
在 HTML5 中可以设置 a 标签的 download 属性,实现点击超链接时直接下载文件而不是打开超链接。
<a href="woxinfeishi-bukezhuanye.jpg" download="我心匪石.jpg">点击下载图片</a>
Demo 示例:html-download.html
目前该属性仅 Chrome、Firefox 支持。
使用 download 属性需要注意,只有同域(来源相同)时才会得到完整支持。这一点 w3school 并没有明确指出。Mozilla 的开发文档里有一行小字:This attribute is only honored for links to resources with the same-origin.
在 Chrome 下,当 href 不同域,会以原始的名称下载文件。在 Firefox 下,当 href 不同域时,会当做普通 a 处理,直接在浏览器中打开该连接。
我们知道通过程序下载文件时,设置 Content-Disposition 头信息,可以告诉浏览器文件存储的名字。火狐浏览器会优先使用 Content-Disposition 给出的文件名。
按键 | 数值 | 描述 |
DOM_VK_CANCEL | 3 | Cancel key |
DOM_VK_HELP | 6 | Help key |
DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE | 8 | 退格键 |
DOM_VK_TAB | 9 | Tab键 |
DOM_VK_CLEAR | 12 | “5” key on Numpad when NumLock is unlocked. Or on Mac, clear key which is positioned at NumLock key |
DOM_VK_RETURN | 13 | Return/enter key on the main keyboard |
DOM_VK_ENTER | 14 | Reserved, but not used |
DOM_VK_SHIFT | 16 | Shift 键 |
DOM_VK_CONTROL | 17 | Ctrl 键 |
DOM_VK_ALT | 18 | Alt 键(Mac上为Option 键) |
DOM_VK_PAUSE | 19 | Pause key |
DOM_VK_CAPS_LOCK | 20 | Caps lock |
DOM_VK_ESCAPE | 27 | Escape 键 |
DOM_VK_SPACE | 32 | 空格键 |
DOM_VK_PAGE_UP | 33 | Page Up key |
DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN | 34 | Page Down key |
DOM_VK_END | 35 | End key |
DOM_VK_HOME | 36 | Home key |
DOM_VK_LEFT | 37 | Left arrow |
DOM_VK_UP | 38 | Up arrow |
DOM_VK_RIGHT | 39 | Right arrow |
DOM_VK_DOWN | 40 | Down arrow |
DOM_VK_SELECT | 41 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_PRINT | 42 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_EXECUTE | 43 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_PRINTSCREEN | 44 | Print Screen key |
DOM_VK_INSERT | 45 | Ins(ert) key |
DOM_VK_DELETE | 46 | Del(ete) key |
DOM_VK_0 | 48 | |
DOM_VK_1 | 49 | |
DOM_VK_2 | 50 | |
DOM_VK_3 | 51 | |
DOM_VK_4 | 52 | |
DOM_VK_5 | 53 | |
DOM_VK_6 | 54 | |
DOM_VK_7 | 55 | |
DOM_VK_8 | 56 | |
DOM_VK_9 | 57 | |
DOM_VK_COLON | 58 | Colon (“:”) key |
DOM_VK_SEMICOLON | 59 | Semicolon (“;”) key |
DOM_VK_LESS_THAN | 60 | Less-than (“<“) key |
DOM_VK_EQUALS | 61 | Equals (“=”) key |
DOM_VK_GREATER_THAN | 62 | Greater-than (“>”) key |
DOM_VK_QUESTION_MARK | 63 | Question mark (“?”) key |
DOM_VK_AT | 64 | Atmark (“@”) key |
DOM_VK_A | 65 | |
DOM_VK_B | 66 | |
DOM_VK_C | 67 | |
DOM_VK_D | 68 | |
DOM_VK_E | 69 | |
DOM_VK_F | 70 | |
DOM_VK_G | 71 | |
DOM_VK_H | 72 | |
DOM_VK_I | 73 | |
DOM_VK_J | 74 | |
DOM_VK_K | 75 | |
DOM_VK_L | 76 | |
DOM_VK_M | 77 | |
DOM_VK_N | 78 | |
DOM_VK_O | 79 | |
DOM_VK_P | 80 | |
DOM_VK_Q | 81 | |
DOM_VK_R | 82 | |
DOM_VK_S | 83 | |
DOM_VK_T | 84 | |
DOM_VK_U | 85 | |
DOM_VK_V | 86 | |
DOM_VK_W | 87 | |
DOM_VK_X | 88 | |
DOM_VK_Y | 89 | |
DOM_VK_Z | 90 | |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD0 | 96 | 0 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD1 | 97 | 1 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD2 | 98 | 2 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD3 | 99 | 3 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD4 | 100 | 4 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD5 | 101 | 5 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD6 | 102 | 6 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD7 | 103 | 7 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD8 | 104 | 8 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_NUMPAD9 | 105 | 9 on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_MULTIPLY | 106 | * on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_ADD | 107 | + on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_SUBTRACT | 109 | – on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_DECIMAL | 110 | Decimal point on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_DIVIDE | 111 | / on the numeric keypad |
DOM_VK_F1 | 112 | F1 键 |
DOM_VK_F2 | 113 | F2 键 |
DOM_VK_F3 | 114 | F3 键 |
DOM_VK_F4 | 115 | F4 键 |
DOM_VK_F5 | 116 | F5 键 |
DOM_VK_F6 | 117 | F6 键 |
DOM_VK_F7 | 118 | F7 键 |
DOM_VK_F8 | 119 | F8 键 |
DOM_VK_F9 | 120 | F9 键 |
DOM_VK_F10 | 121 | F10 键 |
DOM_VK_F11 | 122 | F11 键 |
DOM_VK_F12 | 123 | F12 键 |
DOM_VK_F13 | 124 | F13 键 |
DOM_VK_F14 | 125 | F14 键 |
DOM_VK_F15 | 126 | F15 键 |
DOM_VK_F16 | 127 | F16 键 |
DOM_VK_F17 | 128 | F17 键 |
DOM_VK_F18 | 129 | F18 键 |
DOM_VK_F19 | 130 | F19 键 |
DOM_VK_F20 | 131 | F20 键 |
DOM_VK_F21 | 132 | F21 键 |
DOM_VK_F22 | 133 | F22 键 |
DOM_VK_F23 | 134 | F23 键 |
DOM_VK_F24 | 135 | F24 键 |
DOM_VK_NUM_LOCK | 144 | Num Lock key |
DOM_VK_SCROLL_LOCK | 145 | Scroll Lock key |
DOM_VK_CIRCUMFLEX | 160 | Circumflex (“^”) key |
DOM_VK_EXCLAMATION | 161 | Exclamation (“!”) key |
DOM_VK_DOUBLE_QUOTE | 162 | Double quote (“””) key |
DOM_VK_HASH | 163 | Hash (“#”) key |
DOM_VK_DOLLAR | 164 | Dollar sign (“$”) key |
DOM_VK_PERCENT | 165 | Percent (“%”) key |
DOM_VK_AMPERSAND | 166 | Ampersand (“&”) key |
DOM_VK_UNDERSCORE | 167 | Underscore (“_”) key |
DOM_VK_OPEN_PAREN | 168 | Open parenthesis (“(“) key |
DOM_VK_CLOSE_PAREN | 169 | Close parenthesis (“)”) key |
DOM_VK_ASTERISK | 170 | Asterisk (“*”) key |
DOM_VK_PLUS | 171 | Plus (“+”) key |
DOM_VK_PIPE | 172 | Pipe (“|”) key |
DOM_VK_HYPHEN_MINUS | 173 | Hyphen/Minus (“-“) key |
DOM_VK_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET | 174 | Open curly bracket (“{“) key |
DOM_VK_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET | 175 | Close curly bracket (“}”) key |
DOM_VK_TILDE | 176 | Tilde (“~”) key |
DOM_VK_COMMA | 188 | Comma (“,”) key |
DOM_VK_PERIOD | 190 | Period (“.”) key |
DOM_VK_SLASH | 191 | Slash (“/”) key |
DOM_VK_BACK_QUOTE | 192 | Back tick (“`”) key |
DOM_VK_OPEN_BRACKET | 219 | Open square bracket (“[“) key |
DOM_VK_BACK_SLASH | 220 | Back slash (“\”) key |
DOM_VK_CLOSE_BRACKET | 221 | Close square bracket (“]”) key |
DOM_VK_QUOTE | 222 | Quote (”’) key |
DOM_VK_META | 224 | Command key on Mac |
DOM_VK_ALTGR | 225 | AltGr key on Linux |
DOM_VK_WIN | 91 | Windows logo key on Windows. Or Super or Hyper key on Linux |
DOM_VK_KANA | 21 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_EISU | 22 | “英数” key on Japanese Mac keyboard |
DOM_VK_JUNJA | 23 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_FINAL | 24 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_HANJA | 25 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_KANJI | 25 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_CONVERT | 28 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_NONCONVERT | 29 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_ACCEPT | 30 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_MODECHANGE | 31 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
DOM_VK_SLEEP | 95 | Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0 |
var mapCodeName = { 3: "cancel", 6: "help", 8: "back_space", 9: "tab", 12: "clear", 13: "return", 14: "enter", 16: "shift", 17: "control", 18: "alt", 19: "pause", 20: "caps_lock", 27: "escape", 32: "space", 33: "page_up", 34: "page_down", 35: "end", 36: "home", 37: "left", 38: "up", 39: "right", 40: "down", 41: "select", 42: "print", 43: "execute", 44: "printscreen", 45: "insert", 46: "delete", 48: "0", 49: "1", 50: "2", 51: "3", 52: "4", 53: "5", 54: "6", 55: "7", 56: "8", 57: "9", 58: "colon", 59: "semicolon", 60: "less_than", 61: "equals", 62: "greater_than", 63: "question_mark", 64: "at", 65: "a", 66: "b", 67: "c", 68: "d", 69: "e", 70: "f", 71: "g", 72: "h", 73: "i", 74: "j", 75: "k", 76: "l", 77: "m", 78: "n", 79: "o", 80: "p", 81: "q", 82: "r", 83: "s", 84: "t", 85: "u", 86: "v", 87: "w", 88: "x", 89: "y", 90: "z", 93: "context_menu", 96: "numpad0", 97: "numpad1", 98: "numpad2", 99: "numpad3", 100: "numpad4", 101: "numpad5", 102: "numpad6", 103: "numpad7", 104: "numpad8", 105: "numpad9", 106: "multiply", 107: "add", 108: "separator", 109: "subtract", 110: "decimal", 111: "divide", 112: "f1", 113: "f2", 114: "f3", 115: "f4", 116: "f5", 117: "f6", 118: "f7", 119: "f8", 120: "f9", 121: "f10", 122: "f11", 123: "f12", 124: "f13", 125: "f14", 126: "f15", 127: "f16", 128: "f17", 129: "f18", 130: "f19", 131: "f20", 132: "f21", 133: "f22", 134: "f23", 135: "f24", 144: "num_lock", 145: "scroll_lock", 160: "circumflex", 161: "exclamation", 162: "double_quote", 163: "hash", 164: "dollar", 165: "percent", 166: "ampersand", 167: "underscore", 168: "open_paren", 169: "close_paren", 170: "asterisk", 171: "plus", 172: "pipe", 173: "hyphen_minus", 174: "open_curly_bracket", 175: "close_curly_bracket", 176: "tilde", 188: "comma", 190: "period", 191: "slash", 192: "back_quote", 219: "open_bracket", 220: "back_slash", 221: "close_bracket", 222: "quote", 224: "meta", 225: "altgr", 91: "win", 21: "kana", 22: "eisu", 23: "junja", 24: "final", 25: "hanja", 28: "convert", 29: "nonconvert", 30: "accept", 31: "modechange", 95: "sleep" };
特殊符号 | 命名实体 | 十进制编码 | 特殊符号 | 命名实体 | 十进制编码 |
Α | Α | Α | Β | Β | Β |
Γ | Γ | Γ | Δ | Δ | Δ |
Ε | Ε | Ε | Ζ | Ζ | Ζ |
Η | Η | Η | Θ | Θ | Θ |
Ι | Ι | Ι | Κ | Κ | Κ |
Λ | Λ | Λ | Μ | Μ | Μ |
Ν | Ν | Ν | Ξ | Ξ | Ξ |
Ο | Ο | Ο | Π | Π | Π |
Ρ | Ρ | Ρ | Σ | Σ | Σ |
Τ | Τ | Τ | Υ | Υ | Υ |
Φ | Φ | Φ | Χ | Χ | Χ |
Ψ | Ψ | Ψ | Ω | Ω | Ω |
α | α | α | β | β | β |
γ | γ | γ | δ | δ | δ |
ε | ε | ε | ζ | ζ | ζ |
η | η | η | θ | θ | θ |
ι | ι | ι | κ | κ | κ |
λ | λ | λ | μ | μ | μ |
ν | ν | ν | ξ | ξ | ξ |
ο | ο | ο | π | π | π |
ρ | ρ | ρ | ς | ς | ς |
σ | σ | σ | τ | τ | τ |
υ | υ | υ | φ | φ | φ |
χ | χ | χ | ψ | ψ | ψ |
ω | ω | ω | ϑ | ϑ | ϑ |
ϒ | ϒ | ϒ | ϖ | ϖ | ϖ |
• | • | • | … | … | … |
′ | ′ | ′ | ″ | ″ | ″ |
‾ | ‾ | ‾ | ⁄ | ⁄ | ⁄ |
℘ | ℘ | ℘ | ℑ | ℑ | ℑ |
ℜ | ℜ | ℜ | ™ | ™ | ™ |
ℵ | ℵ | ℵ | ← | ← | ← |
↑ | ↑ | ↑ | → | → | → |
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↔ | ↔ | ↔ |
↵ | ↵ | ↵ | ⇐ | ⇐ | ⇐ |
⇑ | ⇑ | ⇑ | ⇒ | ⇒ | ⇒ |
⇓ | ⇓ | ⇓ | ⇔ | ⇔ | ⇔ |
∀ | ∀ | ∀ | ∂ | ∂ | ∂ |
∃ | ∃ | ∃ | ∅ | ∅ | ∅ |
∇ | ∇ | ∇ | ∈ | ∈ | ∈ |
∉ | ∉ | ∉ | ∋ | ∋ | ∋ |
∏ | ∏ | ∏ | ∑ | ∑ | − |
− | − | − | ∗ | ∗ | ∗ |
√ | √ | √ | ∝ | ∝ | ∝ |
∞ | ∞ | ∞ | ∠ | ∠ | ∠ |
∧ | ∧ | ⊥ | ∨ | ∨ | ⊦ |
∩ | ∩ | ∩ | ∪ | ∪ | ∪ |
∫ | ∫ | ∫ | ∴ | ∴ | ∴ |
∼ | ∼ | ∼ | ≅ | ≅ | ≅ |
≈ | ≈ | ≅ | ≠ | ≠ | ≠ |
≡ | ≡ | ≡ | ≤ | ≤ | ≤ |
≥ | ≥ | ≥ | ⊂ | ⊂ | ⊂ |
⊃ | ⊃ | ⊃ | ⊄ | ⊄ | ⊄ |
⊆ | ⊆ | ⊆ | ⊇ | ⊇ | ⊇ |
⊕ | ⊕ | ⊕ | ⊗ | ⊗ | ⊗ |
⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | ⋅ | ⋅ | ⋅ |
⌈ | ⌈ | ⌈ | ⌉ | ⌉ | ⌉ |
⌊ | ⌊ | ⌊ | ⌋ | ⌋ | ⌋ |
◊ | ◊ | ◊ | ♠ | ♠ | ♠ |
♣ | ♣ | ♣ | ♥ | ♥ | ♥ |
♦ | ♦ | ♦ | |   | |
¡ | ¡ | ¡ | ¢ | ¢ | ¢ |
£ | £ | £ | ¤ | ¤ | ¤ |
¥ | ¥ | ¥ | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ |
§ | § | § | ¨ | ¨ | ¨ |
© | © | © | ª | ª | ª |
« | « | « | ¬ | ¬ | ¬ |
| ­ | ­ | ® | ® | ® |
¯ | ¯ | ¯ | ° | ° | d° |
± | ± | ± | ² | ² | ² |
³ | ³ | ³ | ´ | ´ | ´ |
µ | µ | µ |
语义标签 |
<article> | 定义文章 |
<aside> | 定义页面内容之外的内容 |
<dialog> | 定义对话框或窗口 |
<figcaption> | 定义 figure 标题,类似 <fieldset> 的 <legend> |
<figure> | 定义媒体内容以及标题 |
<footer> | 定义网页或区块的页脚,类似 div.footer |
<header> | 定义网页或区块的页眉,类似 div.header |
<hgroup> | 定义区块或标题组合 |
<nav> | 定义导航链接 |
<section> | 定义区块,区块内部具有关联性 |
<time> | 定义日期/时间 |
多媒体标签 |
<audio> | 定义声音 |
<canvas> | 定义图形 |
<embed> | 定义外部交互内容或插件 |
<source> | 定义媒体源 |
<track> | 定义用在媒体播放器中的文本轨道 |
<video> | 定义视频 |
应用标签 |
<command> | 定义命令按钮,目前不受支持 |
<details> | 定义元素的细节 |
<datalist> | 定义下拉列表 |
<meter> | 定义预定义范围内的度量 |
<menu> | 定义菜单,在 4.01 中弃用,在 5 中重新定义,目前不受支持 |
<menuitem> | 定义弹出菜单条目 |
<progress> | 定义进度 |
<summary> | 定义 <details> 标题,类似 <fieldset> 的 <legend> |
<wbr> | 定义可换行的文本 |
其他标签 |
<bdi> | 定义文本的文本方向,使其脱离其周围文本方向 |
<keygen> | 定义生成密钥 |
<mark> | 定义有记号的文本 |
<output> | 定义输出类型 |
<ruby> | 定义 ruby 注释 |
<rp> | 定义若浏览器不支持 ruby 元素显示的内容 |
<rt> | 定义 ruby 注释的解释 |